Member of the Month

Percy Smith Member of the Month
Percy Smith (on left) is presented with his award by FSW president Christina Christman.


Percy Smith has been with MCDHS and the Federation of Social Workers for nine years. He currently is an Examiner working as a Medicade Floater. Percy has served on the Federation Executive Board as our Elections Chairperson for the past five years. His responsibilities involve coordinating elections for board officers and stewards, as well as votes required on our labor contracts.

In addition to elections, Percy Smith has helped other committees with a variety of union events. He has also participated in a number of labor training programs, rallies and walks. Percy has been a willing volunteer to support the Federation whenever asked to do so.

Please congratulate, Percy Smith, for being honored as our Member of the Month!

Funding to support the FSW "Member of the Month" program is provided by the Federation's Retiree Council, Modica Law Firm and Edge Advertising Group.

If you would like to nominate a FSW Member who has done exceptional professional, volunteer, or other community service, please fill out this nomination form.

Thank you!

Prior Members of the Month